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He's Home!

Neville came home last night around 7:15 PM and he's a super happy boy! He has already adjusted and comfortable.

He particularly likes a dirt pile that is in his fence because he can paw at and roll in it. This morning I sat on it and he pawed at me to get up. I was outside since 7:30 this morning and got my barn chores done by 10.

Welcoming Neville home!

Neville has been a super happy boy since he came home! I've literally been out with him since seven and only took a couple breaks to come in the house and pee or get food to eat in the field.

This morning, when I gave him his morning feed, he would grab a bite of hay, run around his paddock and repeat it for able twenty minutes, then he took a break and scattered it EVERYWHERE.

When my mom and I checked on Neville last night, he wasn't pacing anymore. He just went to his door to see if I'd let him out. I brought hay out this morning after I had him in the field and he whinnied as soon as he saw I had breakfast.

Me and my mom just went out to check on him and he was covered in shavings from his bedding and he just looked at us like we were disturbing him sleeping.

It was actually pretty funny this evening when he was so tired he couldn't walk any faster than a few steps at a time then yawn, then a few more steps, then another yawn. He's been a pretty happy boy!

I cannot wait to post more about our adventures together wh

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