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Week One: ✓

I do believe that Neville has settled in and is a very happy pony. He has gotten comfortable enough to try and destroy my Dura-fork and has been searching for treats constantly.

Every morning, when I bring out hay and let him out of his barn, he will whinny and carry on until I finally throw him his hay. During the day he thinks it's a game to see how fast he can run around the yard and jump into his barn. At night, he'll paw at my boots like, "Hello, it's time for me to go to bed," until I finally put him to bed.

He absolutely LOVES carrots and will beg my mom to give him a carrot until she finally gives one to him and will just keep begging for more.

We've worked on plenty of YouTube video clips and I am working on uploading them sometime this weekend.

I have taught Nevvie some new tricks, like bow, spin and smile. I can't wait to get a video of him doing it all!

Neville with his new 'do

Neville loves chasing the chickens and playing with his new best buddy, Anna, our Shichon dog.

He respects the fence quite well and will not touch it. He'll run by it, just to test his limits...because, well, he's Neville!

Like I said in one of my previous posts, Neville is very protective of "his" dirt pile.

We found out that Neville would love to have a cheeseburger, if he was a meat-eater. He likes Cheez-its and would like to have a Yoo-Hoo if we let him.

Neville HATES fly spray, or any spray. Which is sorta annoying when you absolutely have to spray him with fly spray.

The other day ago, it was raining and was very muddy where Neville's paddock is and he decided he was going to roll and get muddy. WORST. THING. EVER.

Luckily, a little brother who wants to make YouTube videos helped me out a little...

Nev-Man has loved staring at the goats like, "Hey, I've never seen a horse look like that before!" And whinnying constantly to get my attention while I'm mucking out his stall, dumping out water buckets, filling water buckets, feeding him or the goats and cleaning up large rocks out of his area.

One thing Neville does not like me doing is reading in front of him. This is what he did to my Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan book. So not amused.

I tried the harness for his cart and it was WAY too small for him, which means he needs to be clipped or I need to get the girth extended at one of the harness shops in my area.

My little brother, Alex, has learned how to halter and groom Neville by himself (he still needs me to pick up Neville's hooves, but otherwise, he's got it). My cousins have gotten to groom him and Johnny, my baby cousin, got to "ride" him before.

Neville thinks it's especially hilarious when we jump on the trampoline, which is literally about three or four feet away from his fence. He'll bob his head up and down as if he were jumping with us.

I'm pretty sure all our hard work was worth it. I love Neville so much! I want to thank my family and friends that helped with everything! I love you guys! I appreciate everything you guys have done to help me.

Me and Nev

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