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If you've been on Facebook lately and you follow mine or Neville's page, you've probably been seeing the hashtag, #NevilletheMini.

What's the big deal? Well, I tag everything with #NevilletheMini that is Neville related. All you need to do is pop the tag into the search bar and there you have it, all Neville related. It also works on YouTube. Most of my videos are tagged with #NevilletheMini.

Can I use it? If you want to tag Neville in some pictures of him, make sure you put the hashtag on the picture. Or if you want to just tag Neville when you're watching his YouTube channel.

Share it. Be sure to share Neville's World and The Equestrian Author on Facebook by using the hashtag.

The tag is up and running. Feel free to use it for pictures and videos of Neville. :)

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